Welcome to Mrs. Vogel's (previously Ms. Lacker's) Page!
I work with each grade in the school at various times throughout the week. Sometimes I push into the class to support during a lesson, and other times I will pull students to work in a small group on targeted topics.
In my small groups, we focus on building foundational skills and breaking down bigger concepts so they are a little more digestible. I also work on building confidence and problem-solving skills! Seeing your students blossom and reach those "aha" moments is the best part of my day. Contact Information: [email protected]
Students at SGB have access to Learning Ally, a website full of free audiobooks, which was specifically developed for students with disabilities. This is a FANTASTIC resource that ALL of our students have access to. They are able to access it at home with a computer, laptop, or tablet.
If there are any questions about their log-in information, please reach out and I'll be happy to help!
I will update my drive with resources that I create or find online that I believe might be helpful! You will be able to "Make a Copy" or print any of them for use at home!